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The ten-fold scheme affects the two Solar Faculties, and the Phases affected are the same for both Creative Mind and Body of Fate, though because of the way that their influence is derived, they come from different Phases.
Draft forms, where different, are put in brackets.
Phase Group | Creative Mind from | character | Body of Fate from | character |
28-1-2 | 2-1-28 | Controlled | 16-15-14 | Joy |
3-4-5-6 | 27-26-25-24 | Transformatory (revolutionary) | 13-12-11-10 | Breathing (aspiration) |
7-8-9 | 23-22-21 | Mathematical | 9-8-7 | Tumult |
10-11-12 | 20-19-18 | Intellectually passionate | 6-5-4 | Tension |
13 | 17 | Stillness | 3 | Disease |
14-15-16 | 16-15-14 | Emotional | 2-1-28 | The World |
17-18-19-20 | 13-12-11-10 | Emotionally passionate | 27-26-25-24 | Sorrow |
21-22-23 | 9-8-7 | Rational | 23-22-21 | Ambition |
24 | 6 | Obedient | 20 | Success |
25-26-27 | 3-4-5 | Serenity | 19-18-17 | Absorption |
As Yeats notes, these came to him in this rather asymmetrical form, on 27 and 28 October 1918 (see YVP 2 97-102) along with other forms of classification, and later written up in a notebook (YVP 3 201 & 207), tabulated along with characterisations of the Cycles of incarnation and the actions of the Principles, which were not included in A Vision. Since the two Faculties involved are Solar, a twelve-fold division would have been more logical and this is the only form of ten-fold division that reached publication. It does, however, show certain links with attempts to marry the System with the Cabbalists’s Tree of Life.