I dare say I delude myself in thinking this book my book of books. |
W. B. Yeats to T. Werner Laurie, 27 July 1924 |
The following headings give the major areas covered on this site. The first group covers the themes of the System in the two versions of A Vision and the preparatory drafts, and they are arranged in progressive order of complexity, as far as is possible. Each page starts with a general view and then moves on to more involved issues in the course of the treatment, again as far as is possible, so that readers who do not want so much depth can read the first few screens, while those who want more detail can go further. The second group looks at the surrounding context and issues. The contemporary reviews collect the majority of the reviews of the version of 1925, A Packet for Ezra Pound, and the version of 1937. The last group offers apparatus and links. The site map gives a fuller picture of the site as a whole. | |
An Overview of Yeats and A VisionA General IntroductionGyres and GeometryThe TincturesThe Phases of the MoonThe Human Being     The Faculties     The Wheel     The PrinciplesLife and the After-life     The DaimonHistory and the Great YearThe Place of the DivineA Glossary of Special Terms related to A VisionThe Two Editions of A VisionThe Fictions of the Two Editions of A VisionAutomatic ScriptOther Esoteric and Occult Systems |
![]() T. Werner Laurie's Prospectus for Subscribers for the 1925 version of A Vision. The 1937 version, published by Macmillan, and which is significantly different, had a print-run of 1,500. |
Contemporary ReviewsAbbreviationsBibliographyLinksSite Map |
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See also the new essay collection W. B. Yeats's "A Vision": Explications and Contexts, edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire Nally (Clemson University, 2012). This title is available for free download here or here from Clemson University Press (click here if seems the link may have changed). It is also accessible online via Liverpool Scholarhip Online and University Press Scholarship Online (simplest to search on "Yeats" and "Vision"; direct link functional April 2016), though this is by subscription or through a library.